Tips, tricks, and strategies to help you teach more effectively and efficiently.

Read more about the article 10 Ways to Increase Student Engagement Online
Online classes can be remote. Reach out to your students.

10 Ways to Increase Student Engagement Online

Online classes can be remote. Reach out to your students.
Online classes can be remote. Reach out to your students.

One of the challenges that faculty teaching online (or hybrid) courses face is designing their courses so that there’s frequent and active engagement between the student and faculty and also between the students themselves. Why? Because as a faculty, you are required to be able to afford the same level of engagement online that you would in a traditional class where students meet with you and each other in person.

Some faculty are under the false assumption that teaching online is easy, and all you have to do is tell students what you want them to read or study and then have them complete assignments and quizzes to demonstrate their competency or mastery of the learning objectives. That is NOT teaching! Nor does it qualify as a distance learning course that would be eligible to pass the scrutiny of your regional accrediting body. That format may qualify as a correspondence course but not for a distance learning course.


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How To Plan Your First Course: 5 Tips For New Faculty

Write down what you want the students to learn and then how you’ll teach them.

Planning a course for a brand new faculty can be an overwhelming experience. It can be especially overwhelming if this is your first time going through the process. And even more so if you have not had the opportunity to participate in a TA program and be mentored by seasoned faculty. But, there’s no reason to fret.  This article will cover a few simple things you can do to help you plan your first course without stressing and getting overwhelmed.


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