How To Avoid Group Work Complaints: 4 Tips To Follow!
Dr. Fawaz Al-Maloodgroup work,how to prevent complaints,prevent problemsEver wonder why so many students hate group work? If you were like most students in college, the thought of group work...

Managing Group Projects: 8 Things You Should Do!
Dr. Fawaz Al-Maloodcollege,efficiency,managing group project,productivity,setting the barSo you’ve assigned your first group project and thoroughly explained the requirements to your students and you now...

Disciplinary Action: Keeping It Professional!
Dr. Fawaz Al-MaloodDisciplinary action,student disciplineEvery now and then you’ll find yourself in a position where you’ll need to address unacceptable behavior on...

10 Ways to Increase Student Engagement Online
Dr. Fawaz Al-Maloodhow to increase student engagement online,online class,student engagementOne of the challenges that faculty teaching online (or hybrid) courses face is designing their courses so that...

3 Ways To Avoid College Student Problems Before They Occur
Dr. Fawaz Al-Maloodcollege,prevent,student problemsThere are numerous articles on the internet that address this issue, and some are better than others. The tips I am...

How To Plan Your First Course: 5 Tips For New Faculty
Dr. Fawaz Al-Maloodcourse planning,how to plan college course,lesson plan,new faculty,tips for new facultyPlanning a course for a brand new faculty can be an overwhelming experience. It can be especially overwhelming if this...